The secrets of activated carbon inside hood filter

Smoke, dust, toxic substances suspended in the air causing negative impact on human health . Check out what make the activated carbon become the king of pollution treatment

Post date: 17-02-2016

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Smoke, dust, toxic substances suspended in the air causing negative impact on human health . Check out what make the activated carbon become the king of  pollution treatment

1.The strength of activated carbon

Under the definition of science, Activated carbon (mainly composed of carbon)  is burned in the anaerobic environment in the special burner with very high temperatures. In addition, carbon powder, activated carbon molecules also contain crystalline graphite debris and ashes.

Honeycomb structure supports activated carbon has the ability to adsorb or decompose gases.Due to its high degree of micro porosity, just 1 gram of activated carbon has a surface area in excess of 500 m2 (about one tenth the size of a football field), as typically determined by nitrogen gas adsorption. Through the process of dry distillation / drying at high temperatures, the activated carbon particles have the ability to absorb strong smell.

Activated Carbon can be used as adsorbent for removing heavy metals. Remove organic matter, reducing soil rays and other negative impacts on human health. Creating a clean air and friendly with environment

Activated Carbon can be used as adsorbent for removing heavy metals.

Activated Carbon can be used as adsorbent for removing heavy metals.

2. Widely applied

Activated carbon is safe to eat . It is produced from waste wood and organic material such as coir, bamboo and rice husk… so the price of activated carbon is lower than other filter materials. Waste in the production process of activated Activated cacbon after absorbing heavy metals, it is also very easily be recovered from their ashes.

Activated cacbon after absorbing heavy metals, it is also very easily be recovered from their ashes.

Activated cacbon after absorbing heavy metals, it is also very easily be recovered from their ashes.

3.Features of activated carbon filter

Coco activated carbon filter is a mesh of aluminum or galvanized steel containing activated carbon or activated carbon nonwoven fabric capable of:

-Clean Air efficiently by removing toxic gases

-Absorb toxic gases (eg formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, hydrogen and sulfur dioxide, acetone ...).

-Clean the impurities in the air-conditioning system

Activated carbon filters are used to handle the smell in air condition and ventilation systems.

Activated carbon filters are used to handle the smell in air condition and ventilation systems.

Activated carbon filters are used to handle the smell in air condition and ventilation systems.

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Activated carbon

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